Tuesday, May 3, 2011

You wanna raise a grasshopper? Read this!

Grasshoppers are fun to raise, as they shed quite a bit, (which is cool to me) and they take preeetty little care. You can hold them too. (CAREFULLY PLEASE. We don't want any murder. xD) They make good food for some reptiles and other animals, too. I've put together some info for ya'll grasshopper loverz. Lets begin!

Male and Female Differences

Males have a single unpaired plate at the end of the they're abdomen. Females two pairs of valves (triangle shaped) at the end of they're abdomen that are used for digging holes in sand to lay eggs in. 

(Pictured below)

How to Tell the Difference Between Male and Female

Gently pick up the grasshopper, being careful to avoid it's fragile legs. Do not squeeze the grasshopper. Turn it upside down slowly, and look for the differences written above. A female will also have longer legs, but you won't notice the leg length unless you have a male and a female to compare with. Wash your hands afterwards, and either return the grasshopper to the wild, or gently place it back into it's habitat.

How to Make a Grasshopper Habitat

Prepare your grasshopper cage. It should have a lid, so grasshoppers can't jump out. Put in some grass, but make sure it doesn't have any pesticides in it! Put sand in a cup and moisten with water. (Put some water into a CLEAN spray bottle, and spray it a few times or so 'till it's moist.) The sand should always be kept moist but not soggy. Place in some twigs for it to climb on. Place the cage near your light source -- light should be available for about 16 hours a day. Grasshoppers need to stay warm! 

How to Care for the Grasshopper

Clean the cage daily, to keep it from smelling. Remove any uneaten food and waste, and moisten the sand every now and then. As far as food, they will probably eat the grass in they're cage if it's fresh, but other then that..

Some long-horned grasshoppers will eat dead animals, or catch and eat some other insects, but other grasshoppers will eat plants and stuff like carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, lettuce, ect. 

If one of the/the grasshopper/s lays eggs in the sand, cover the sand with a jar, take it out of the cage, and place it close to a heat source until they hatch. 


Keep grasshoppers warm and dry to keep them healthy and encourage them to breed. Grasshoppers lay eggs in the spring.

If grasshoppers are released, they can do extensive damage to lawn and garden. Some people can develop grasshopper allergies. 

Well, that should be all you need to know, but let me know if you need more in the comments!

Thanks so much, and enjoy raising your grasshoppers!



  1. My question is how would you raise grasshoppers for profit? If you had to ship a 1000 grasshoppers how would you be able to catch them without them escaping the tank? Nice Post! Shared to my followers

  2. I want to raise grasshoppers for human consumption. Any tips for what kind to get and how to raise a large amount while keeping cost low. I would buy them if I can buy them live from a trusty, clean and humane breeder.

  3. Replies
    1. Oof that sucks, maybe try doing the steps with a different species? Did you give them fresh food daily? Did you mist the food before feeding? Did you give the right species the right food?

  4. My question, how i can get grasshoper, i live in Surabaya, indonesia.

  5. I have gotten them to breed and lay eggs but the eggs never hatched I have kept them warm and fed them every day the eggs would not hatch ever though if you can help me out?
    It would help
